Well-being update – Managing Covid Fatigue

I come across a whole host of insightful and interesting articles and have picked some that I found to be generally great.  We can be bombarded by endless information, advice and memes which overwhelms us and makes us not look at anything of worth.  We only need to pick out a few to focus on especially as many of them repeat similar concepts anyway.

Covid-19 – how to pull yourself out of despair and live your life – 7 minute read.  I hope you can connect with a number of the essential points made in this article relating to how the pandemic has affected us and why we’ve had difficulties.   “How do you adjust to an ever-changing situation where the ‘new normal’ is indefinite uncertainty?”

Why are so many people drawn to conspiracy theories in times of crisis? – This is a fascinating article is about what may drive people to believe in conspiracy theories and the problems this can cause.  Paradoxically, you could also argue that this article is a part of a conspiracy theory to keep us all believing in science and keep us conforming to the norm.

One Way to Calm an Anxious Mind – 3 minute read.  This looks at why we are hard wired to notice threat (and feel a bit tense and anxious) and what we can do to alleviate this.

A short video guide – How to Meditate .  This succinct guide will give you all the basics you need to know to get started.  It’s just less than 6 minutes.

In our evolving pandemic, we’re all suffering and dealing with it in our own ways and it’s ok to feel a rollercoaster of emotions and display the consequential behaviours.  Love and kindness can help us and that means exhibiting this to ourselves too.




#mentalhealth #livingwell #wellbeing #selfcare #anxiety #anxiety #covid19

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