Counselling can help us so greatly to develop coping mechanisms and alleviate symptoms of Anxiety, Low mood and depression, Trauma and PTSD and Stress or to deal with Relationship issues. 
Counselling can help:
- To explore issues or problems that maybe causing difficulties and assess options to make positive changes.
- To gain a greater understanding of self
- To gain better strategies in coping or dealing with issues.
Often, by having time and space to talk about concerns and issues in a caring and supportive environment, we can help you begin to gain the awareness and clarity needed to move forward.
Counselling can help you to gain a greater self awareness to enable you to make the right choices for you. By gaining an insight to piece together the parts of your complex uniqueness, it can allow you to see things clearer and allow you to assess your options. It also aims to help you find your own solutions and utilise resources and opportunities you may not realise are available to help you lead a more fulfilling life.
Whether you know it or not, you are the greatest expert on you as only you knows how you feel in any given situation.
Read more about Counselling by clicking here.
Issues that Counselling can help with (to name a few) –
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Lack of Confidence
- Lack of Self esteem
- Loss or Direction in life
- Coping with Change
- Coping with Life
- Relationship Difficulties / Breakdowns
- Job Related Issues
- Depression
- Identity
It can help gain perspectives, assess options, evaluate your values and gain awareness to find the direction that is right for you.
– Gaining Self-Awareness – Often, by having time and space to talk about concerns and issues in a caring and supporting environment can help you begin to gain the awareness and clarity you need to move forward. As Humans, we are complex beings and often behave in automatic or unconscious ways that may have been embedded within us from a young age. By gaining an understanding of ourselves can help us to lead a more fulfilling life.
– Job Related Issues – Our jobs, career and vocation are very important parts of us as we spend a lot of our waking lives at work. They can provide us with security, satisfaction, well being, interpersonal relationships and much more. If we have problems or difficulties at work, this can create stress and spark other many other issues and concerns. Also, dis-satisfaction at work can leave a gap within us that we look to fill or it can lead to a sense of not knowing what we want. See our page on job related anxiety issues.
– Specific Problems – This can be addressed by exploring the problem or focusing on solutions. By exploring the problem, we can look to gain a greater understanding of what’s going on, assess the possible options and the implications of these problems and seek to manage changes in a way that fits for you. By focusing on solutions, we can begin to look at small changes that you could implement to improve your current situation (s). Long lasting change occurs by a number of small steps rather than a single giant leap (often these giant leaps which take us out of our comfort zone into unknown territory are short lived as we shift back to the comfort of what we know, even if we know it may not be the best for us).
– Coping with Change – Living in our changing world, we often need to adapt and it can sometimes be hard to cope with changes that we look to make or to cope with changes that are put on us and therefore have to make. Counselling can assist here to allow you to gain the clarity and find your own way forward whether that be making changes, gaining the strength to have greater control or making better use your resources. See our page on coping with change.
Feel free to telephone or e-mail if you have any questions. Undertaking personal therapy is a courageous decision so I am happy to offer as much information as you would like to enable you to make an informed choice.