The power of appreciation. It is extremely hard to feel anxious or stressed when we have a sense of gratitude and... The power of appreciation.
Overcoming Trauma Throughout our lives we encounter a vast range of experiences and many can indelibly ink... Overcoming Trauma
Losing Weight – Why a Personal Approach is Most Effective It can be very easy for us to slip into unhealthy eating and drinking patterns... Losing Weight – Why a Personal Approach is Most Effective.
What if your anger is too much for your current skills to Managing any strong emotion can be a challenge for us as when we are flooded... What if your anger is too much for your current skills to manage it?
How do You ensure that You sleep well? In the previous article ’Do you value your sleep’, it raised some significant points... How do You ensure that You sleep well?
Write to feel right….. Therapeutic writing is very widely used form of self help. Writing is a form of... Write to feel right…..
The Smoking Ban – 5 Years On It’s been 5 years since the smoking ban was introduced in England and it has... The Smoking Ban – 5 Years On
Counselling and Coaching via Skype is here From today, we are able to offer coaching and counselling via Skype. This can be... Counselling and Coaching via Skype is here
How can Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) help with anxie CBT has been given a lot of press over the last few years. This is... How can Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) help with anxiety?
Panic Attacks – what can help? Panic attacks (also known as anxiety attacks) can be a terrifying ordeal as our mind... Panic Attacks – what can help?